How To Balance Propellers on RC airplanes

:  RC Plane Poster

 Nylon Props:

how to balance propeller

1. Clean any flash that may be on the blades and hub with 200-grit sandpaper.
2. Prepare the prop for mounting on your model (ream the hub or install spacers as required).
3. Set both side plates of the balancer to the same height.
4. Mount the prop on the balancer shaft.
5. Set the balancer shaft on the side plates.
6. Hold the prop horizontal and gently release.
7. The heavy blade will rotate downward. Mark the back side of the heavy blade with a marker.
8. Add small pieces of tape to the back side of the light blade until the prop remains horizontal when released.

how to balance propeller


Wood Props:

how to balance propeller

1. Prepare the prop for mounting on your model (ream the hub or install spacers as required).
2. Set both side plates of the balancer to the same height.
3. Mount the prop on the balancer shaft.
4. Set the balancer shaft on the side plates.
5. Hold the prop horizontal and gently release.
6. The heavy blade will rotate downward. Mark the back side of the heavy blade with a marker.
7. Carefully remove material from the back side of the heavy blade using 200-grit sandpaper.
8. Remove small amounts of material at a time and re-check the balance often.
9. The propeller is balanced when it remains horizontal when released.

how to balance propeller


  • Buy prop balancer link - here.
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