How to make PZL Wilga 2000 Draco RC Plane DIY


DIY Build tutorial PZL-104 Wilga 2000 Draco RC Plane out of XPS foam (Depron and etc.).

  How to make homemade scratch build remote control STOL bush airplane.

  • Wingspan: 1,11m (44")
  • Materials: 3mm, 5mm XPS foam and 2mm balsa wood (main spar)
  • Flying Weight: 364g (12,8 oz) M
  • otor: AEO MF2204-1550KV (21g)
  • Propeller: GWS EP 1047 (Slow Fly)
  • ESC: VGood 12A (13g)
  • Servos: EMAX ES9051 (5g) x 6
  • LiPo battery: 600mah 7.4V (39g) Wheels 3-3,5"


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