Теги: review, airplane
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How to make video

World's Smallest Radio Controlled Model Plane

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From Quiet & Electric Flight International


Cinema or Freestyle! - iFlight Cinepick 120 HD

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Dual purpose Cinema or Freestyle on 4S under 250 grams! Full review and flights of the new iFlight Cinepick 120mm HD quad


250 RC plane crashes in 30 minutes

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The biggest "original footage" RC plane crash compilation on YouTube, comprising 10 years worth of crashes from the XJet channel all rolled into a single video for your enjoyment


Correx Wing Build

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RC Plane Building for Beginners


FIMI X8 SE RC Drone Quadcopter RTF

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FIMI X8 SE review


my first homemade rc plane

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this is my first made plane, as soon the wind calm down I will go to try how it fly


How to Make a Flying Bird (Ornithopter)

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How to Make an Ornithopter Toy 


Multiplex Funjet DIY Build Rc Plane

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Review rc airplane