I have 16 of these carbon ribs left. They are free, just pay shipping. If you are interested email me at: rctestflight@gmail.com Three RC planes made with digital fabrication techniques
Free RC plane
"How To" Video → Making an RC airplane canopy (without a vacuum former)
"How To" Video → How To make a canopy
"How To" Video → Laser cutter and engraver for building my RC model airplanes
"How To" Video → how to fiberglass a RC airplane
"How To" Video → DIY Own RC Airliner Engine Nacelles!
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How To Make Propeller For RC Plane At Home
Plastic Canopy Scratch Build
DIY rc airplane model
Eachine Trashcan GNB 600 mAh Battery Flight time
Test-pilot Tim tries to destroy another RC plane
Easy quadrocopter from wooden rulers
Extra 330L 50cc RC Model Airplane
Slope Soaring in Croatia - Padinsko letenje u Hrvatskoj
Online calc of the CG of an RC airplane