Free plans for Cessna (easy)

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How to make video

How to make RC plane at home

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it`s my first RC plane build



SU-37 Jet build video | Rc plane| Styrofoam

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This is su-37 Wing span: 48 inches Length: 62 inches


JDRC JD-65G XBM-65 Unboxing & Review - Awesome Drone!

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DISASTROUS & HILARIOUS Snow Flight - J11 HLK-31 RC Plane

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Check out this rc plane here (click PNP version): https://bit


How to EASILY make a SMOKE SYSTEM for RC plane

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O.S. LA-46 2-stroke engine with a cheap DIY smoke system.


How To Make a Indestructible Fuselage - $5

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The first step is gathering the matirials 1x 80cm andd 18mm by 18mm wide strong andd stiff wooden stick then you need a 5cm wide 35cm long multiplex board cut in 3 ddifferent lengths 2 times 5 by...


Homemade F-16 airplane

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how to make rc airplane-DIY jet engine