how to make RC plane from scratch | RC plane Building

how to make RC plane from scratch | RC plane Building

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Hello guys in this video i make an rc plane totally from scratch. Rc plane is radio control plane which use 2.4 GHz frequency signals to control the plane. the flight experience is totally same as the real plane .The attitude of this plane in air is totally same as the real plane. so a small mistake in flying can make your plane crash. so be prepared to face these things.

If you are new to this hobby make sure to prepare mentally that not everyone`s first plane fly, some get crash at first. SO you don`t have to lose your mind .
TRY TRY again until you Succeed.

The Tools that we use in Building:

hot wire cutter
screw driver
paper cutter

Material we used in The build:

thermopole sheet
Corrugated Plastic sheet
Fiber glass rod
hot glue gun
BBQ sticks

Electronics used in this Project:

1.DC motor 1400 KV
2.Servos 9 grams
3.ESC 30 Ampere
4.LI-po battery 1500 mah
5. 2.4 GHz 4 channel radio and reciever

Other things used in build:

push rods, landing gear, stiff wire for landing gear, Control horns, e.t.c

Free RC plane

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