Free plans for F-104 Starfighter

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    free plans rc airplane F-104 Starfighter

    Blueprint F-104 G Starfighter:
    Unless otherwise stated, make all components from 6 mm Depron
    Span… 440 mm (without external tanks)
    Length… 990 mm
    Flight weight… 310-340 gr
    Drive… 2805 Brushless, 1850 U / V, 6x5.5 APC, o .ae.
    Lipo… 2S / 1000
    Control… Cross / Height / Engine
    Center of gravity… 205mm from the rear edge of the cockpit
    Rudder deflections in mm… transverse: ± 10 to 12 mm (inner rudder)
    High: ± 13 to 16 mm (mid elevator)

    free plans rc airplane F-104 Starfighter


    Racerstar BR2212 2450KV 2-3S
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpressXXD HW30A 30A Brushless
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress10pcs Gemfan 6030 ABS
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpressZOHD Nano Talon Orbit
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpressGemfan 6X4 6040 High
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress1pc KMP 6040 6X4E
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpressZOP Power 7.4V 1000mAh
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpressZOP Power 7.4V 1000mAh
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress

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Comments (1)
Steve Adams # 24 april 2023 in 01:21 0
Is there a step by step guide to construction including pictures please p
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