Free plans for MicroSonic

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    Free plans for foam rc flying wing Micro Sonic

    Scratch build micro size 24″ wingspan super fast and stable foamie flying wing.

    Below are the airfoils we will use for root chord and tip chord. Right click on image and download to your computer. Print at 100%. Airfoils can be laser cut if you have access to a laser machine, or simply use balsa wood, or aluminum or even cardboard to cut out the shape of the foils. In the build video i use 2mm hard balsa wood, its easy to cut with exacto knife and fairly rigid for hot wiring.

    Free plans for foam rc flying wing Micro Sonic

    Wing Spar & Pushrods
    for the main wing spar, we use 3mm x 2mm hollow carbon fiber tube. This will provide structural strength to the wings. You are welcome to use flat carbon fiber spar, just make sure its light weight, 4mm or 5mm might be too heavy. Wooden dowels can also be used.Pushrods are also 1.5mm carbon fiber rods. You may use thick wire if you do not have carbon fiber, but again we want to keep this wing as light as possible for maximum speed, agility and ease of flight.

    Free plans for foam rc flying wing Micro Sonic

    Any type of foam can be used for this micro wing project. I like using XPS foam as its dense and light weight and virtually unbreakable.

    Free plans for foam rc flying wing Micro Sonic


    Motor 1306 + ESC

    EaglePower SA1306 1306 2300KV
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Racerstar Racing Edition 1306
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Aurora RC D1306 1306
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Kingkong / LDARC 1306
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    EMAX BLHeli Series 6A
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Emax Simonk Series 12A
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Htirc Hornet Series 12A
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress


    4X 3.7g Micro Analog
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Power HD-1370A 0.6KG 3.7g
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    3.7g Micro Analog Servo
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    2PCS 3.7g Micro Analog
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress

    Prop 4x4.5

    Gemfan 4045 4 Inch
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    10 Pairs Kingkong /
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    10 Pairs KINGKONG/LDARC 4*4.5*3
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    KINGKONG/LDARC 4*4*3 4040 4
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress

    LiPo 3S 450mAh

    ACE Tattu 11.1V 450mAh
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Gaoneng GNB 11.4V 450mAh
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    ZOP Power 11.1V 450mAh
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Gaoneng GNB 11.1V 450mAh
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Tiger Power 11.1V 450mAh
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    ZOP Power 11.1V 450mAh
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    URUAV 11.4V 450mAh 80C/160C
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Gaoneng GNB 11.1V 450mAh
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress

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