Free plans for Katana

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How to make video

Will an RC plane made of metal actually fly?

RC Plane Poster  0  1670
Perhaps the worst pre-flight fiasco I have ever seen but Test Pilot Tim was determined to demonstrate that RC planes made from metal will fly


Jester Pitcheron Slope Glider

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Dynamic Soaring Aerobatics


5 Incredible Homemade RC Planes | Flite Test

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Josh and Josh share five incredible homemade RC planes from the Flite Test community


Drone Theory 101:The basics, and how an fpv quadcopter functions!

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If you have no idea how a quadcopter works, but you want to, then this video is for you


How To Make Twin Motor RC Model Airplane - DIY Brushless Motor Model Airplane.

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How to make 2 brushless motorized remote controlled aircraft from foam board material


Simple RC plane - no moving control surface at all

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The Flying Pomfret is a very easy to make, thrust vectored RC aircraft


RC Thurston Teal Seaplane build and flight Video.

RC Plane Poster  0  1493
Wingspan 1,25m Scratchbuilt from Depron foamboard and many 3D printed parts


Slope soaring in Meco with the ASW 28

RC Plane Poster  0  1414
The ASW 28 doesn`t cease to amaze me!