Free plans for Buratinu

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    Free plans for 3D printed rc airplane Flying wing Buratinu


    • airfoils: own design
    • wing span: 1300 mm
    • wing chord: 480/140 mm
    • CoG: 220 mm from motor bulkhead
    • overall weight: 1245 g
    • wing weight one side complet: 342 g
    • wing area: 32 dm²
    • wing loading: 39 g/dm²

    Free plans for 3D printed rc airplane Flying wing Buratinu 

     Recommended Print Settings
    The wings are designed to print using 0.5 mm width, 4 bottom and 4 top
    layers, no infill, 1 perimeter only.
    Should you print thinner walls, the perimeter of the upper side will not stick well enough
    to the perimeter of the inner stiffening construction.
    If you apply thicker walls, the perimeters will not come out continuously in one
    uninterrupted turn.
    The layers must build up as if you were printing in spiral vase mode. Only then you get a
    smooth surface on the upper side.
    If unsatisfied with the results, try out 0.49 or 0.48 width in your slices settings. It
    depends whether you use Cura, Slic3r, S3D or what you have. I suggest you experiment with
    some tests before printing the whole thing.
    The second point is: Should you print lesser layer heights, the inner stiffening
    construction will not connect well to the top and bottom layers. You will suffer a gap inbetween.
    All wing parts:
    layer height =0,3mm, width =0.5 mm, 1 perimeter, no infill
    W1, W2: 4 bottom layer, 4 top layer
    W3 servo: 3 bottom layer, 4 top layer
    W4, W5: 3 bottom layer, 3 top layer
    W6: 3 bottom layer, 5 top Layer

    2 perimeter, layer hight =0,2 mm, width =0,5 mm, 2 botton layer, 3 top layer, 25% infill
    winglet slim
    2 perimeter, layer hight =0,2 mm, width =0,5 mm, 1 botton layer, 2 top layer, 6% infill

    elevon inner: 6 bottom layers, spiral vase mode, no top layer
    elevon outer: 3 bottom layers, spiral vase mode, no top layer
    elevon joint: no bottom/top layer, spiral vase mode

    All fuselage parts: layer height =0,2mm, width =0.5 mm
    fuselage 1: 3 perimeters, 12 bottom layers, 3 top layers, 40% infill
    fuselage 2: 3 perimeters, 2 bottom layer, 3 top layer, no infill
    fuselage 3: 2 perimeters, 2 bottom layers, 3 top layers, no infill

    access panel and bracket
    layer height =0.2 mm, width =0,5 mm
    spiral vase, no top/bottom layer

    Free plans for 3D printed rc airplane Flying wing Buratinu

     Length of carbon tubes
    Diameter 8 mm
    fuselage/W1/W2 front: 305 mm
    fuselage/W1/W2 rear: 400 mm
    W2/W3/W4: 105 mm
    W4/W5: 40 mm

    Diameter 6 mm
    W5/W6: 59 mm

    Free plans for 3D printed rc airplane Flying wing Buratinu


    DYS D2836 750KV 880KV
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpressRacerstar BR3536 1200KV 2-4S
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpressFlycolor FlyDragon Lite 40A
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpressHTIRC Hornet 2-4S 40A
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpressFMS Predator 40A Brushless
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpressSG90 Mini Gear Micro
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpressKittenBot® 23x12.2x29mm SG90 9g
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress4 X SG92R Mini
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress2Pcs 1060 10x6 DD
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress1pc KMP 1060 10X6E
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress10x6 Inch 1060 Nylon
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpressZOP Power 11.1V 1800mAh
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpressZOP Power 11.1V 1800mAh
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpressGiant Power Dinogy 1800mAh
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpressURUAV 11.1V 1800mAh 75C
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress

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