Free plans for The EnterTrainer

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    Free plans of RC aerobatic traner EnterTrainer

    Drawings of radio-controlled models "The EnterTrainer" with an electric motor or internal combustion engine made of balsa.

    Free plans of RC aerobatic traner EnterTrainer

    Overall length — 55 in.
    Wingspan — 58.25 in.
    Wing Area — 680 in.²
    Root Chord — 13.125 in.
    Tip Chord — 10.75 in.
    Airfoil (root) — NACA 0016
    Airfoil (tip) — NACA 25014
    Dihedral (wing top) — 0°
    Dihedral (wing bottom) — 1/4 in. (1.8°)
    Wing Taper (LE) — 2.6°
    Wing Taper (TE)- 2.6°
    Weight (glow) — 6.5 lb.
    Estimated wing loading — 23 oz/ft.²
    Elevator area — 84 in.²
    Stabilizer area — 64 in.²
    Rudder area — 30 in.²
    Fin area — 20 in.²
    Flap area — 45 in.²
    Aileron area — 64 in.²

    Free plans of RC aerobatic traner EnterTrainer

    The model can be powered using a .46- to .60-class glow engine, or with an electric motor of similar power rating.

    Free plans of RC aerobatic traner EnterTrainer

    Aerobatic trainer’s configuration is that of the familiar stick model, with the wings and empennage altered to suit the purpose of this design — that of a stable platform from which to learn the basics of RC model aerobatics.

    Free plans of RC aerobatic traner EnterTrainer

    Free plans of RC aerobatic traner EnterTrainer

Tags: electo, fuel, sport,
Rating: 4 Votes: 2 Your vote:

Comments (1)
20 # 8 october 2023 in 19:24 0
сколько миллиметров бальза?
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