Print THIS Plane! (FREE .stl Files)

DISCLAIMER: I highly recommend that you have experience with flying model aircraft. This is not a beginner plane and will most like end in a failure if you are not familiar with flying model aircraft. Fly at your own risk.

Plane specifications:
Wingspan - 95cm
Root chord - 16.3cm
Tip chord - 11.5cm
Sweep angle - 15 degrees
Dry weight (no battery) - 468g
Flying weight - 670g

The CG position is marked on the bottom of the fuselage with 2 circle cut outs.

General Print settings:
Material - PLA (1.75mm)
Nozzle diameter - 0.4mm
Wall thickness - 0.5mm
Layer height - 0.2mm

Print settings for the wing sections:
Temperature - 215 degrees Celcius
Print speed - 25-30mm/s
Cooling fan - off
Infill - 0%
Top layers - 0
Bottom layers - 1 (for bed adhesion)
Outer layers - 1

Print settings for other parts:
Temperature - 200 degrees Celcuis
Print speed - 60mm/s
Cooling fan - on
Infill - 15%
Top layers - 3
Bottom layers - 3
Outer layers - 2

NOTE, the fuselage and canopy will require supports. I printed the canopy with the motor mount on the bed and supports from the bed to the rear of the wing. The canopy will require support for the overhang in the center and for the small tab. All other parts can be printed without support.

Electronics and STL Files -

 Catalog: 3D Printed RC Airplane Plans


Free RC plane

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