This is the Owl-RT, wingspan 806mm (31.7"). It is built from 3mm Depron (1 sheet), a spruce spar and various other easy to find materials and components.
AUW is 240~280g (8.5~10oz) depending on motor and battery, but can be built as light as 200g if you skip the landing gear and use balsa for the spar.
Why Owl-RT (pronounced "All Right")?
RT are the initials of Kaos2's real name, Rich Thompson. Since the Owl-RT inherited its KF wing from the Regal/Regal Bipe model series designed by Rich.
The Owl-RT has short, stocky wings, it looked a little bit like an owl.
The main features of the Owl-RT are:
Aerobatics and basic 3D capable.
Indoors and outdoors (up to 20km/h winds).
Easy and inexpensive to build and repair.
Small enough to easily fit on the back seat of compact car.
Unfortunately, I cannot devote much time to the site. When at least 500 Patrons gather at the, I can start translating all the drawings into a PDF format.
I can`t think of a cheaper way to build an ultra-durable RC plane than by using two very tough materials: coreflute and pool noodles, along with some simple tools such as scissors and an old...