Free plans for Bling Bling V2

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Turbojet Engine Test

RC Plane Poster  0  1261


First look at the PRIVATE EYES quadcopter.

RC Plane Poster  0  1323
First look


SG906 MAX - This drone shoots lasers!!! Unboxing and Backyard Flight

RC Plane Poster  0  985
In this video I take a really quick look at the new SG906 MAX drone with obstacle avoidance



RC Plane Poster  0  1355
Petite revue d`un drone moto super sympa , maintien d`altitude , deux modes , donc : moto au sol et mode vol drone classique , super cool au final , attention il existe des version en...


Full review of the holystone hs450 mini drone

RC Plane Poster  0  1893
Hello people in this video I’m going to be reviewing the holy stone HS 450 with a whole lot of features obstacle avoidance and lots of other fun features



Will an RC plane made of metal actually fly?

RC Plane Poster  0  1670
Perhaps the worst pre-flight fiasco I have ever seen but Test Pilot Tim was determined to demonstrate that RC planes made from metal will fly