Seadart is basically a semi-profile park jet that can fly off water.
Water handling:
A medium fast taxi that lets the plane just rise up on the ski and the tip floats is the easiest way to get around on water. At higher speeds, where only one tip float may be touching the surface, a bit of aileron with the rudder helps with turning.
Take off:
A good take off technique is to let the plane accelerate until it is just riding on the ski and then apply gentle up elevator to get it airborne smoothly.
General flying is easy. Expect some minor pitch changes when suddenly opening the throttle at very low speeds, due to the high thrust line.
Landings are easy. These can be done fast and smooth or you can flare to zero airspeed and plop down.
CG position: 6" to 8" back from wing break. (Requires about 1/3" (8mm) of up trim, measured at the inboard elevon edge)
Control throws (measured at the inboard elevon edge):
0.8" (20mm) up
0.8" (20mm) down
30% expo
0.9" (23mm) up
0.9" (23mm) down
30% expo
2.2" (56mm) left
2.2" (56mm) right
75% expo
About the plane: Plane weight 310 grms, Motor 2600 KV, Prop 6 inch (use of prop saver recommended) , Wing span 95 cm, Chord length 16 cm, Battery 360 mAh 7~8 Volt Lipo battery (you can use 1000...