Free plans for HB1 E1000 (Combat Airplane)

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    free rc plane plans pdf download - foam Combat rc airplane HB1 E1000

    The HB1 is an RC airplane designed specifically for E1000 streamer combat but can also be flown as a sport wing. It is a hybrid plane that combines a modular 3D printed fuselage with a foam wing.

    This reduces both the build time compared to a foam fuselage and weight compared to a 3D printed wing. The no-glue modular fuselage allows damaged parts to be quickly and easily replaced in the field.

    free rc plane plans pdf download - foam Combat rc airplane HB1 E1000

    The fuselage consists of a pod, rear wing hold down, tail and two rods that connect all the parts. The rods are 5/16th wooden dowels. The motor mount is a cylinder that attaches to the fuselage with 4 3x8mm screws. The ESC is positioned below the battery shelf. The receiver is installed in the wing. The front rubber band hold downs are 3x15mm bolts while the back hold down is a 3D printed part. While other batteries may fit, the pod is specifically designed for a Turnigy 1000mah battery. (77x35x17mm).

    free rc plane plans pdf download - foam Combat rc airplane HB1 E1000

    The wing is attached to the fuselage with two #105 rubber bands. The use of rubber bands instead of wing bolts allows the wing to shift in a collision or hard landing. This spreads the force and reduces the chance of breaking the pod or wing. The pod can accept a wing with a cord up to 7-inches. Foamboard or a hot wire cut solid core wing construction is recommended.

    free rc plane plans pdf download - foam Combat rc airplane HB1 E1000

    free rc plane plans pdf download - foam Combat rc airplane HB1 E1000

    free rc plane plans pdf download - foam Combat rc airplane HB1 E1000

    free rc plane plans pdf download - foam Combat rc airplane HB1 E1000

    free rc plane plans pdf download - foam Combat rc airplane HB1 E1000



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    How to make Combat RC Airplane

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