Free plans for Polaris

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Flite Test Mini Mustang Rebuilt from CRASH

RC Plane Poster  0  1529
Rebuilt from last deadly CRASH with leftovers of Flite test foam boards



RC Plane Poster  0  1398
Electric Spec


Build this - Joytrainer mini | How to make an RC airplane?

RC Plane Poster  0  1455
This model airplane is a trainer, an evolution of the project we made some time ago, the Joytrainer, that airplane was big and cool, it was based on the Simple Storch by Flitetest, some people...


Paper plane + helicopter

RC Plane Poster  0  1332
 how to make rubberband propeller helicopter


how do make rc plane at home

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Gentle Lady. RC sloping.

RC Plane Poster  0  1187
Floating around in light wind with the classic Gentle Lady


iFlight Turbobee 120RS Quad

RC Plane Poster  0  1685
NEW iFlight Turbobee 120RS ultra-light “toothpick” style 2-4S quad


How to upgrade DC motor to max speed and more stronger X15

RC Plane Poster  0  2702
How to upgrade DC motor to max speed and more stronger X15