Free plans for Jetstream

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Comments (3)
Tomas # 5 march 2019 in 15:13 0
could you possibly add a step and put an edf in it to create a seaplane
anon # 6 march 2019 in 11:23 0
english plans?
How to make video

Test-pilot Tim tries to destroy another RC plane

RC Plane Poster  0  1587
No RC plane is safe around Test-pilot Tim (grab your popcorn) and in this video you get 8 minutes of uncut nitro terror as he hurls the Kyosho Calmato around the sky in an attempt to break it



Shropshire slope soaring RC

RC Plane Poster  0  1227
Flying a Calypso Contest, a Chriss Foss Phase 6 and a Wildthing on the slopes


Pneumatic Plane

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Homemade RC Airplane VTOL

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Homemade RC Airplane VTOL


Eachine E511S RC Drone

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Better than MAVIC AIR?


First look at the PRIVATE EYES quadcopter.

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First look


Eachine Trashcan GNB 600 mAh Battery Flight time

RC Plane Poster  0  1356
battery test - acro flight end of video