Free plans for Eddie and Otto

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    free plans rc biplanes

    One technology — two model aircraft.

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How to make video

How to Make RC Airplane at Home

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Very Simple - Homemade Airplane


how to make RC car transmitter and receiver at home

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 how to make 27mhz toy car ic


DIY: Make a Solar RC Plane under 60$

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This video is about making a simple Solar RC plane under 60$


250 RC plane crashes in 30 minutes

RC Plane Poster  0  2223
The biggest "original footage" RC plane crash compilation on YouTube, comprising 10 years worth of crashes from the XJet channel all rolled into a single video for your enjoyment



First look at the PRIVATE EYES quadcopter.

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First look


DIY - Making an RC paper plane for less than 2$

RC Plane Poster  0  1591
In this video i present you how i made a small paper plane guided with remote controle, for less than 2$



RC Plane Poster  0  1295
Petite revue d`un drone moto super sympa , maintien d`altitude , deux modes , donc : moto au sol et mode vol drone classique , super cool au final , attention il existe des version en...