Free plans for Eddie and Otto

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    free plans rc biplanes

    One technology — two model aircraft.

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How to make video

DID IT FLY? Scratch Built RC Cargo Plane Maiden Flight [Short]

RC Plane Poster  0  1273
Short Video worth watching


PHOENIX V4 220cc - Home Made Engine

RC Plane Poster  0  1544
Detlef Kunkel presenting his home made engine at the Warbird Meeting Oberhausen 2017 SORRY FOR THE HEAVY WIND NOISE during the flight


ZOHD Talon 250G FPV Version

RC Plane Poster  0  1516
Если вам понадобится штопор для открытия вина, то этот самолет делает отличные штопоры! Об этом и многом другом в супер длинном видосе-челендже по запуску нового sub250 самолета от компании ZOHD с...


RC 3D Printed Lifeboat

RC Plane Poster  0  2205
3D print files now availible! (much work in progress)


Vortex-RC FT-Spitfire Build Video in HINDI

RC Plane Poster  0  2194
The FT Spitfire is the 10th design in the swappable series and the first of which that is a warbird


How to make a Boat Plane at home

RC Plane Poster  0  1683
 DIY RC Airplane 


Slope Soaring | Foamboard | Rc Glider

RC Plane Poster  0  1652
Kanat açıklığı 1