Free plans for Twins Cargo

  • Rewiev:

    In the archive lie drawings on a scale of 25%, 35%, 50%, 75%, 100%.
    The original wingspan of the aircraft model is 1440mm.

    Free plans for rc model airplane Twins Cargo

    Setup electronics:

    2X hextronic 24 gram Bluewonders 1300 Kv (or equivelent)
    2X towerpro 9 gram servos
    2X HS-55's for the ailerons
    2X Castle creations thunderbird 9's
    1X GWS V-tail mixer for diffrential throttle
    1X HS-81 for the cargo door

    The battery is a 3S 1300-800 mah lipo

    Free plans for rc model airplane Twins Cargo

    1300 Kv bluewonders with CC TB 9 esc's going into a GWS vtail mixer for diffrental throttle.

    Free plans for rc model airplane Twins Cargo

    They plug into channel 3 and 4 (ch 4 uses a Y-harness for the acutal rudder and diffental throttle) I don't think the actual rudder is needed since the diffrental throttle has so much pull.

    Free plans for rc model airplane Twins Cargo

    You can choose the drawings of the desired size.

    Free plans for rc model airplane Twins Cargo

    In a small amount, this aircraft model also flies well.

    Free plans for rc model airplane Twins Cargo

    The Twins Cargo can take off and land on the water.

    Free plans for rc model airplane Twins Cargo

    Look at the video of the assembly of this aircraft model.

    And this is a full-size aerial model picture.

    Free plans for rc model airplane Twins Cargo

Rating: 4,2 Votes: 5 Your vote:

Comments (2)
apoormarksman # 28 april 2020 in 20:23 0
Designed by Peter Sripol . . The plans were drawn by Larry, who is pictured holding a giant version.
RC Plane Poster # 28 april 2020 in 20:44 0
Thanks you! Information has been updated.
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