Free plans for 3D printed Yak-55

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    3d printed RC airplane Yak-55

    3D Printer Settings

    • Rafts: No
    • Supports: No
    • Resolution: 0.4
    • Infill: 5%
    • Notes: layer height 0.2%.

    3d printed RC airplane Yak-55

    Motor Specification:

    • Name.: A2212
    • KV: KV2200
    • Dimensions: 27.8 x 27mm
    • Shaft diameter: 3.17mm
    • Battery: 2-3 cells lithium battery
    • Efficiency: 80%
    • Current: 4-10A (efficiency >75%)
    • No-load Current: 10V/0.4A
    • Max. Instantaneous Current: 12A/60S
    • Propeller: 6035 CW propellers

    3d printed RC airplane Yak-55


    XXD 2212 Motor+ZTW Beatles
    Buy: BangGood
    4 X SG90 Mini
    Buy: BangGood
    4X GOTECK GS-9018C Micro
    Buy: BangGood
    ZOP Power 11.1V 1100mAh
    Buy: BangGood
    ZOP Power 11.1V 1000mAh
    Buy: BangGood
    ZOP Power 3S 11.1V
    Buy: BangGood

    3d printed RC airplane Yak-55

    Video of 3D printed Airplane Yak-55

Tags: yak, warbird
Rating: 4,8 Votes: 5 Your vote:

Comments (4)
Michael # 2 september 2019 in 12:07 0
I saw your video and I'm going to print this plane. I just build and crashed my first scratch-built plane, and didn't bother fixing it. I found this and conveinantly already had all the parts required. You say in the video that you couldn't test fly it but you said that if someone could you said they could email you? You also said that you were going to make an improved "version 2," I couldn't find any other mention of this improved second version. Is it just you updating the STL files here, or is it completley new plane.

I'm just asking if you confirmed that the plane flew and if there is a better "second version."

If you have no such confirmation you can email me and after i build my plane i will fly it.
влад # 22 november 2020 in 12:21 0
Я распечатал вашу модель, получилась очень тяжёлая и с сильной задней центровкой. Двигатель слабоват, подойдёт 2212 1400 kv, винт 8045. Как ни старался центровку не удалось вывести хотя бы на центр крала, установил контроллер полёта, думаю с его помощью хоть как то компенсирую центровку. Попробую облетать как выпадет больше снега, но думаю она не способна стабильно летать.
Rishat # 5 june 2021 in 21:36 0
Сервомашинки нужно перенести в район кабины самолета и провести от них тяги из 2мм карбона тогда центровка будет в норме
Gokhan # 8 may 2023 in 16:50 0
Hı. elevator weight is it normal?
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