Free plans for Fantastik

  • Rewiev:

    free rc plane plans pdf download - rc traner airplane Fantastik

    Fantastik – The better looking sitk!

    Single motor advanced trainer with ideas from the Ugly Stik.

    free rc plane plans pdf download - rc traner airplane Fantastik

    58" WS, 4.2 sqft wing area, ~8.5 oz/sqft wing loading with ~8 oz battery.

    free rc plane plans pdf download - rc traner airplane Fantastik

    Massive 10.5" chord and thick airfoil for good slow speed handling.

    free rc plane plans pdf download - rc traner airplane Fantastik

    Tricycle landing gear and flaps for easy take offs, landings, and groundhandling.

    free rc plane plans pdf download - rc traner airplane Fantastik



    2836 Motor 1100kv2836 Motor 1100kv
    BangGood, AliExpress
    Propeller 1060Propeller 1060
    BangGood, AliExpress
    Esc 40A BecEsc 40A Bec
    BangGood, AliExpress
    Servo 9GServo 9G
    BangGood, AliExpress
    2200Mah 3S Lipo2200Mah 3S Lipo
    BangGood, AliExpress
    Light Wheels Rc AirplaneLight Wheels Rc Airplane
    BangGood, AliExpress

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