Great to capture a super enthusiastic 3D club pilot on the sticks at our local model flying club.

This was Trevor`s first day with his new Laser and you can see he was already getting fairly confident with it ! Watch from the start the immense power he has on tap as he guides it effortlessly into a hover before a ballistic pull out into a vertical climb. The combination of the light weight, large control surfaces and power allow him to dance on the edge of stall and to instantly recover. Fantastic flying !

The plane is an Extreme Flight 74” Laser v1 electric version Motor is a 4.5KW Motrolfly 5327-195 21 x 10 JXF prop Hobbywing HV 120 ESC Savox SV 1270 servos Spektrum AR 8010 t receiver Seacraft servo arms 2 x 3300 6S lipo (12S) 1 x 800 mah 2S lipo connected directly into receiver via 2 ports

Filmed by Jason at Basingstoke Model Flying Club for the `Essential RC` YouTube channel using the Panasonic AG-UX180 Pro 4K camcorder.

Free RC plane

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