8 Tips for a Successful First RC Airplane Flight Follow along as I discuss 8 tips for a successful first flight of your radio control model airplane.
Tip#1: Ensure you check the control surfaces. All controls move in the proper direction and you are in low rate for dual rate transmitters. Check also that your tail or nose wheel is set straight.
Tip#2: The Center of Gravity is correct. Balance your model at the CG noted on the plans or instructions. Check the battery is installed or the fuel tank is filled.
Tip #3: Wings and tails surfaces must be warp free.
Tip #4: Airplane and transmitter batteries are fully charged.
Tip #5: Safety considerations
Tip #6: Range check. Discussion of DX6 built in range check system.
Tip #7: Initial takeoff game plan. Sun angle, wind direction, first turn, clear runway and airspace.
Tip #8: Airspeed If you can follow these eight steps, you will be well on your way to a successful maiden flight of your new RC model airplane.
Chapters (simply hover over video timeline): 00:00 - Intro 00:40 - Tip 1, control surfaces 05:37 - Tip 5, safety 11:38 - Tip 8, airspeed
Some skis for your RC plane to land and take off in the snow and made with items I had at home just my Version To help generate your own idea on how to make it with the supplies that you have If...