Piper Cub RC Plane Build and Fly


After struggling for almost 2 weeks editing and rendering, this Piper Cub build video is finally released. The problem started when I tried new style of shooting on the build steps, but it ended up a disaster. The result was not watchable with 5X speed timelapse as usual and the lighting also terrible. I need to re-edit and failed render multiple times. This is the best that I can give to you, I think it`s better than before (the first render) but still my worst production. Although I think you can still follow my build easily, just like my other videos, only the quality is not good.

Beside that, the model itself the Piper Cub is awesome. It flies great, very slow. My last flight was on the last weekend it fly very slow with only 40% throttle but I didn`t record it. The flying scene on this video was shoot 2 weeks ago. The design is very similar with Cessna 172 build style, but this Piper Cub has more details and longer build time. The CG is spot on, doesn`t need any counter weight ballast on the nose.

You can download the plans on the link below : http://rc-plans.com/catalog/item333.html

Playlist :
01:38 Plans Preparation
02:44 Fuselage
08:24 Installing Motor
10:56 Fuselage Covering
15:13 Vertical Stabilizer
16:47 Elevator u0026 Rudder Servo
18:37 Cabin Glass
21:19 Color Scheme
22:32 Main Landing Gear
25:41 Tail Wheel and Rudder
29:13 Dummy Engine
31:59 Wing
40:59 Wing Struts
46:54 Maiden Flight

Specs :
1. Wingspan 1300 mm
2. Flying weight : 850 grams/ 30 oz
3. Wing loading : 34.3 g/dm2 - 11.3 oz/sq.ft
4. Wing cube loading : 6.9
5. Wing Area : 24.8 dm2 / 384 sq.in
6. CG : 6 cm from LE

- Motor 28/22 1000-1400kv (tested with DYS 2826 1000kv)
- Propeller : 10x6 - 8x6 (tested with 10x6)
- ESC minimum 20A (tested with Aerostar 50A)
- Battery Lipo 3S 2200mah/ Li-ion 3S 3000mah (tested with both)
- 4 plastic gear 9 gram servos
- 20 u0026 50 mm foam wheel

Materials :
1. 5 mm Depron/ Polyfoam
2. 3 mm Plywood
3. Hot glue, CA glue, Foam safe glue
4. 3 mm, 2.5 mm bicycle wheel spoke wire
5. 1.5 mm wire pushrod
6. white packing tape
7. Zipties (small)
8. 0.3, 0.5 mm Mica plastic

Free RC plane

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