Free plans for Caracara

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    free 3d printed rc plane files - rc airplane Caracara

    This plans based on original design (balsa made) designed by Franck Aguerre.


    • Main carbon rod diam. 4mm
    • 2mm balsa for elevator
    • Small parts (pvc tube 2/1mm, steel rod diam 1mm...)

    free 3d printed rc plane files - rc airplane Caracara


    free 3d printed rc plane files - rc airplane Caracara


    • Around 150g of PLA+
    • Printer height max 218mm (Part1_Glider), alternatively the glider fuselage can be done with Part1_Motorized + Nose for smaller printers.
    • No support required, just some brim.
    • Layer thickness 0.2mm — One 0.4mm wall (can be lowered to 0.36mm for part2/part3)
    • Layer 0.12mm and line width 0.3mm for 'Light' versions of wings.
    • 'flat' wing means without dihedral, like original balsa's Caracara.
    • Hatch/lock: layer thickness 0.15mm, 2 perimeters = 0.8mm


    free 3d printed rc plane files - rc airplane Caracara


    • Light wing: ~41g each wing
    • Complete fuselage for pure glider: ~51g
    • RTF weight: around 240g with motor and 2S -450mAh


    free 3d printed rc plane files - rc airplane Caracara

    RC settings

    • Delta mixer
    • Elevator function: ±6mm (measured at trailing edge / wing root)
    • Aileron function: ±4mm


    free 3d printed rc plane files - rc airplane Caracara


    free 3d printed rc plane files - rc airplane Caracara



    Motor + ESC

    Racerstar Racing Edition 1806
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Sonicmodell Mini AR Wing
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Red Brick 10A ESC
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Simonk 10A 2-3S Brushless
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Htirc Hornet Series 12A
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress

    Prop 6x3

    10PCS Gemfan 6030 6x3
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    2 Piars Gemfan 6030
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    ZOHD Nano Talon EVO
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    ZOHD Dart Wing FPV
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    10pcs Gemfan 6030 ABS
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress


    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    MG90S Metal Gear RC
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    EMAX ES08MA II 12g
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    EMAX ES3352 12.4g Mini
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    EMAX ES3302 12.4g Mini
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    CORONA DS-929MG 13.6g Metal
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress

    LiPo 2S 450mAh

    ZOP Power 7.4V 450mAh
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    ZOP Power 7.4V 450mAh
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Gaoneng GNB 7.4V 450mAh
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    Tiger Power 7.4V 450mAh
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    XF POWER 7.4V 450mAh
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress
    KINGKONG/LDARC 2S 7.4V 450mAh
    Buy: BangGood, AliExpress

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