Hangflug mit VAYU Nurflügel Brett

Теги: airplane
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How to make video

DIY Military transport aircraft 20/Y-20

RC Plane Poster  0  1129
DIY production and test flight, the big guy looks very domineering.


FPV flying a scratch built RC plane

RC Plane Poster  0  1979
FPV (first person view) flying my home-built RC plane


4 Amazing ideas for Fun or Simple Ways to Make an Airplanes

RC Plane Poster  0  1257
4 incredible ideas and Life Hacks for Fun



Eachine E520S, Cinecan, EAT01 review

RC Plane Poster  0  1302
Eachine E520S review, Eachine Cinecan review, Eachine EAT01 review video


Mounting RC Aeroplane Engine - RC Model Aeroplane Build & Repair

RC Plane Poster  0  1156
A short video showing the method I use to mount glow engines on plastic or aluminium mounts, on my RC aeroplanes


Scratch build 47" flying wing

RC Plane Poster  0  1226
The is my scratch build 47" flying wing that I will be using for FPV in the near future