EASYMAX001, 3D printable RC plane

Final assembly
This aicraft is based on our Easy001 project which is very good plane for beginner, very easy to fly and relatively slow.
We made some changes for better performance, lower parasite drag and more interesting dynamic characteristic, BUT still maintain friendly flying characteristic
Future of flying - Print your own plane

The first fully printable airplane with suitable files prepared for your 3Dprinter. Flight charecteristics are comparable or even better than classic build model airplane.
Simply download and then print it anytime you need only for $10 (approx 480g of filament). And of course it takes some print time (approx 2days).
This is not a dream, now you can print this HI-TECH …. at home, print spar parts, and so on...

Both parts the wing and the fuselage features extensive hitech 3d structural reinforcement which makes the model very rigid while still maintaining lightweight airframe and exact airfoil even when it is made only from plastic. This perfect and exact 3d structure is possible only due to aditive 3dprinting technology. So welcome to the 21th century of model flying. Be The first at your airfield.

Easy to assembly, you do not need any extra tool or hardware, you only need to glue printed parts together. The rest of the assembly is very easy. Simply add brushless motor, ESC, servos and radio system. Don´t worry, detailed step by step PDF/VIDEO is included.
You will geteasy flying superb performance airplane with High efficient powerplant which let you fly 8+ minutes. of course low stall speed is achived for easy landing.

Catalog: 3D Printed RC Airplane Plans

Free RC plane

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