How to make an RC plane in Mr. Herbert`s Science class

In just under 4 hours, leftover parts were used to make a neat RC airplane as demonstrated in Mr. Herbert`s Science Class.
It`s called "The Junkyard Dog".

Using mostly COX airplane parts from models gone by the wayside, I`ll show you how I made mine with no plans or a kit.
Tired of the noise and mess of my full size airplanes, and since electrics have come a long way, I`ve become intrigued by them.
So needing a break from all the muss and fuss of the full size, gas RC planes, I decided to try to make my own electric plane, with what I learned the hard way over the years.

Let`s see if I learned anything, and hopefully, if you decide to make one too, you will get some insight from this video.
Thanks a lot for watching.

Free RC plane

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