HUGE RC Plane Under $100 Dynam Hawk Sky V2 Unboxing & Build Impressions - TheRcSaylors

Buy the Hawksky V2 here -

The Hawksky V2 is designed from the ground up to be a great rc plane for beginners! The main feature that helps noobs get in the air is the fact that the prop and motor are mounted up high and in the rear of the plane, allowing for a bit more forgiveness in a mild crash.

Also, you can chose to leave the landing gear off, making for more forgiving belly landings in grass with this easy to fly plane! Wing dihedral will help the plane self center while flying, and of course the large size and shape of this plane make for very easy orientation in the air! Now, let`s get this out of the box and put together with Nate and Abby, TheRcSaylors!

Want to send something to TheRcSaylors and see it on the channel? Send it to P.O. Box 361 Ashland, KY 41105

Free RC plane

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