CrewZinn RC Plane Stand & CG Balancer Review

This is my CrewZinn RC Plane Stand & CG Balancer Review video. In this video, I discuss this RC Airplane Stand, the basic functions it can perform and place various planes on it.

This video was made using the equipment noted below and can be purchased on Amazon through my Amazon Affiliate links below:

Winner Announcement: Two winners have been notified that they won during this 20,000 subscriber giveaway. One has already provided me with their shipping information and I am just waiting on the other to get back to me. I want to sincerely thank each and every one of you for all of your wonderful comments and I promise to respond to every one of them once I finish a few more unboxings. You guys rock! :D

Those RC Planes include my E-Flite Pawnee Brave Night Flyer, my Freewing BAe Hawk Red Arrow 70mm EDF Jet, and my E-flite UMX Timber RC Plane,

You might have also noticed how I opened up the video with my Sonic Modell Mini AR Wing on top of the RC Stand`s box. That was to cover up my address information.

To learn more about that plane, click here:

I also mentioned that I will be doing a review soon of my E-flite UMX Cirrus SR22T, so look for that review coming up!

These are the RC Plane Balance Stand`s pros and cons:

- This is a stunning RC Accessory that looks and works great
- It is lightweight with a small footprint
- The CG Balancer is easy to use
- The stand easily holds my Freewing EDF Jet
- It comes with a magnetic strip to hold hardware safely while you work

- Just that the middle dowel had some chips on the bottom of it. As I mentioned in the video, I don`t think it is a big deal for function or form considering those chips are on the bottom of the stand.

Here is how CrewZinn describes this RC Workstand:

"Flight Deck is the only R/C Airplane Work Stand with an integrated R/C Airplane CG Testing System – and the only CG Testing Machine with an integrated Work Stand.

The CrewZinn Flight Deck RC Airplane Work Stand and CG Tester is the result of hundreds of hours of real world product testing. It is designed to work with the widest variety of RC aircraft possible and incorporates a level of flexibility and usability not found in any other work stand or center of gravity measurement tool on the market.

Flight Deck is 100% made in the U.S.A. with only the highest quality materials so that it always looks as good as it performs."

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