There`s a voucher for this one, so to get the quad for $149 USD use voucher code BGER349
Update: Part of Banggoods promotional deals means there`s more coupons to be had on this and a few other cool quads. These codes are valid from 12th - 19th July
The Eachine/Ditone ER349 for $132 with coupon BGE349
The Eachine Reddevil 17% off with coupon BGRD82
The Emax TinyHawk S for $86 with coupon BGHAWKS
We have created many different formats Plane, in this video we created it with the resources they dumped, Trash, Stuff around the house, and we took it for recycling
In our bonus upload this week, we get a sneak peak at the new E-flite F-18 Blue Angels 80mm EDF! The E-flite F-18 was one of my favorites from last year and I actually considered painting it into...