Free plans for Thumb Wing Glider (Alula)

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How to make video

Test-pilot Tim tries to destroy another RC plane

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No RC plane is safe around Test-pilot Tim (grab your popcorn) and in this video you get 8 minutes of uncut nitro terror as he hurls the Kyosho Calmato around the sky in an attempt to break it


EASYMAX001, 3D printable RC plane videoguide

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Go flying


Rylo 360 camera on RC airplane Flite Test P40 DIY 360

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FT standard P40 wing span 1065mm power pack C EMax GT2212/10 (1100kV) 3cell 2200mAh 65C


Tamiya TT-01 - Neuaufbau und Track-Review

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RC Car Review



DIY RC plane Y-20

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How to make simple rc plane

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ZLRC SG906 Pro2 Three Axis Gimbal Drone Flight Test Review

RC Plane Poster  0  1242
This long flying, long range drone now includes a three axis stabilized gimbal, a larger battery for longer flight time, and an optional PA megaphone speaker for crowd control ;-)