Free plans for Ikar 1600

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How to make video

How To Make Rc Flying Wing DIY Styrofoam Easy Build

RC Plane Poster  0  1570
Wow! It flies so good, another project flying wing styrofoam build



RC Plane Poster  0  2270
How to make rc plane using cardboard, no depron? No plan? No problem



How to make a Helicopter

RC Plane Poster  0  1241
Drone Helicopter at home


A $200 Camera Ready Drone - Build or Buy?

RC Plane Poster  0  2211
Watch this video to learn about the differences of buying vs building a camera ready drone for $200


OMPHobby 49 Inch BIGHORN High Wing Airplane

RC Plane Poster  0  1508
The OMPHobby 49" BIGHORN has been making its rounds and everyone is loving it! We put it through its paces and do our flight review with Donnie, Wes, John, Luke and TJ


Crossout #90 ► MAZ 535 Drone Carrier Truck Build and Gameplay

RC Plane Poster  0  2697
With all this drone mayhem going on, we too, can be a cancer and run around with drone builds and annoy people xD


DIY DC motor Airplane - How to make a Airplane Using 775 DC motor

RC Plane Poster  0  1224
How To Make a DC Motor Flying Airplane