Free plans for Phat Phil

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How to make video

Building an electric RC plane from plans - Balsa

RC Plane Poster  0  2569
Video 2 gives a description of the materials I will be using to make the Millie Bob Electric RC plane


St Agnes Cornwall | Slope Soaring Action

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A day having fun chatting and flying with the local flyers at St Agnes in Cornwall


Holy Stone HS170 Predator Mini THROW BACK

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RC Drone Quadcopter testing Review


How to make JET Plane | Shamshad Maker

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DIY:- How to make A Fighter JET Plane that can fly at home


Review Eachine Mini Mustang P-51D RTF

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Review Conclusion & Tips - Eachine Mini Mustang P-51D RTF P51 P-51 P51D


RC Suspension landing gear (DIY 3d-printed)

RC Plane Poster  0  1796
This landing gear is a combination 3d printed parts, carbon fiber rods (~5mm and ~3mm) along with springs for suspension


LDARC On The Fly Quick Review

RC Plane Poster  0  1604
This is a pretty awesome little flyer as long as you plan to stick with 65mm props and stay away from using the included prop removal tool included to remove the props


Maiden Flight - 80" Twin Commander DIY RC Airplane

RC Plane Poster  0  2083
Today I flew my newest scratch built RC plane, the Twin Commander! This plane has an 80 inch wingspan, weighs 3.1 kg.