Free plans for Fidget

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    Free plans for balsa rc airplane Fidget

    Wingspan: 36 inches
    Wing area: 252 square inches
    Length: 30 inches
    Weight: 17.7 ounces ready to fly

    Free plans for balsa rc airplane Fidget

     The Fidget is a model specifically designed to fly using a Galloping Ghost RC system. Until now, if you wanted to fly a Galloping Ghost model, you had to either find plans or locate one of the kits that were produced in the 1960s and ’70s, such as the Midwest Lil’ Esquire and Lil’ Tri-Squire, Sterling Mini-Mambo, or Goldberg Junior Falcon and Junior Skylark.

    Free plans for balsa rc airplane Fidget

     Building a Fidget is considerably less expensive than buying an old, classic kit. It is easy to build, and the Fidget has other advantages as well. Older model designs were originally intended for single-channel, rudder-only control and were essentially Free Flight models with a movable rudder added.

    Free plans for balsa rc airplane Fidget

     They typically featured flat-bottomed airfoil sections and positive incidence was added to the wing. This resulted in a couple of drawbacks when a Galloping Ghost radio, which added elevator and throttle control, was used. These models could only be trimmed for one airspeed, and when the speed increased, the model tended to balloon or nose up into a climb.

    Free plans for balsa rc airplane Fidget

     With the flat-bottomed airfoil section and positive wing incidence, it was necessary to add down-elevator to prevent the model from climbing in level flight. The Fidget eliminates these issues by using a semisymmetrical airfoil section, 0° wing incidence, and a low-wing configuration. The Fidget does not balloon with airspeed increases, and no motor down-thrust or down-elevator trim is needed. This makes the Fidget easier and more pleasant to fly compared with other older classic designs.

    Free plans for balsa rc airplane Fidget


    Free plans for balsa rc airplane Fidget


    Free plans for balsa rc airplane Fidget


    Free plans for balsa rc airplane Fidget



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    Free plans for balsa rc airplane Fidget

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