Free plans for Decathlon

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EASYMAX001, 3D printable RC plane

RC Plane Poster  0  2335
This aicraft is based on our Easy001 project which is very good plane for beginner, very easy to fly and relatively slow



Lightweight 3D Printing

RC Plane Poster  0  2025
Tutorial that goes through how you can design your own lightweight 3D printed parts! 3D printing certainly has it`s place in terms of prototyping, but I also believe it can be of use for...


We Fly Big Homemade RC Airplanes

RC Plane Poster  0  1421
In This Video we fly Big RC Airplanes which all are Home Made And made in India we fly 


XK F16 A200 Under $ 40 Mini Plane Rc

RC Plane Poster  0  1482
Unboxing Test Mini Jet Rc XK A200 F-16 B 290mm RTF EPP RC Airplane Fixed Wing Aircraft


The RunCam Phoenix Oscar edition FPV Camera

RC Plane Poster  0  1520
Following on from a poll on which camera to review, you guys chose the RunCam Phoenix Oscar edition - so here you go and you even get a bonus feature on UART based camera control !


Depron 737-400 Boeing Build *HOW TO BUILD AN RC AIRLINER* from Scratch with Foam

RC Plane Poster  0  8869
This my detailed video on how to build an RC Airliner Boeing 737-400 classic from depron and paper model plans