Free plans for FanTrainer

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Comments (1)
Danie # 21 may 2021 in 08:20 0
Is there maybe a build video or instruction for the FanTrainer.

How to make video

Paper plane + helicopter

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 how to make rubberband propeller helicopter


This Will Probably Be a Disaster... Will This RC Plane Fly Off Water?

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J11 HLK-31 - TheRcSaylors


3D Printed Plane Meets Blizzard!

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Will our 3D printed P-47 survive a snowstorm? Find out!


A $200 Camera Ready Drone - Build or Buy?

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Watch this video to learn about the differences of buying vs building a camera ready drone for $200


Our First RC Plane Flying Experience

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RC season is back and we are starting it off with a bang


Rc Jet FF -15 Homemade DIY Rc Plane Cardboard Maiden And Crash

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In this short video I maiden the FF -15 that I made out of cardboard which resulted in a crash


how to make notebook paper plane

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