Free plans for Crobe

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    free 3d printed rc plane files - rc airplane Grobe

    Small picheron slope soarer based on original design (balsa made) designed by Franck Aguerre.

    3D printer resolution:
    0.2 (Fuselage — Wings) and 0.15 for canopy

    free 3d printed rc plane files - rc airplane Grobe

    No support required, just some brim. One 0.4mm wall Max height for printer: 170mm Layer 0.12mm and line width 0.3mm for 'Light' versions of wings. 'flat' wing means without dihedral, like original balsa's Crobe.

    free 3d printed rc plane files - rc airplane Grobe

    free 3d printed rc plane files - rc airplane Grobe

    free 3d printed rc plane files - rc airplane Grobe

    free 3d printed rc plane files - rc airplane Grobe



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Comments (4)
Daniel # 11 february 2021 in 16:57 0
The tail pieces are wrong, looks nice but i'll have to fix it. Thanks.
Uros # 21 november 2021 in 15:45 0
Where can i find the second half of the wing?
RC Plane Poster # 22 november 2021 in 08:45 0
Use a mirror image of the part when printing.
flo # 17 february 2023 in 23:45 0
Is this printed with PLA or LW-PLA??
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