Free plans for Grumman Albatross

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How to make video

How to Build RC 3D Printed ASK14 Glider - Planeprint

RC Plane Poster  0  2615
I will show step by step the full process to assemble this ASK14 Glider


Shaka Slope Glider - Evening Flight

RC Plane Poster  0  1141
This is Shaka 


RC P-38 Airplane Build Timelapse

RC Plane Poster  0  1409
This plane is built by a friend of mine Pu Sangtea, who has many years of experience in building RC plane




RC Plane Poster  0  6576
This airplane was made of 5mm and 10mm depron foam , balsa wood and plywood, carbon fiber rods for the wings mount.


$70,000 RC Airplane? L-39C XXXL by Tomahawk Aviation

RC Plane Poster  0  2200
New episode in our continuing series "Hobbyists gone wild": We take a closer look at Mario Walter`s L-39C XXXL super jet 


How to make a rc airplane stand

RC Plane Poster  0  4955
This is a tutorial on how to make an airplane stand for a Wild Hawk or something with low landing gear


How To Make Simple and Cheap Brushed ESC For RC Airplanes. DIY 18A ESC

RC Plane Poster  0  1221
How To Make 18A Brushed Electronic Speed Control