Free plans for Hydro Slow Flyer

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How to make video


RC Plane Poster  0  1595
After two and a half years of construction, it was time to get the beautiful model in the air


DIY Custer semi-circular wings

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Wildthing RC glider slope soaring with onboard camera

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A Wildthing RC slope soaring glider with onboard camera flying in high wind attempts to chase a pair of Wildthings and a Gulp


First Run: Hobby Plus CR-18/LC-18 4WD RTR RC Rock Crawler

RC Plane Poster  0  1443
Check out these links for more info:


Citabria gas-powered RC airplane resurrection

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Gotta Know Joe Hobbies in Spring Tx Proving that R/C airplanes do not need to be expensive This plane was found and rescued from a hot damp old Conex storage container


Potensic Elfin Foldable Mini Drone Review

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This is another winner from Potensic


RC A10 Airplane Build and Fly

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DIY A10 airplane at home


Simple Rc Air Train

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