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How to make video

Eachine E013 Plus Acro Racing Drone Review

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Reviewing the New Eachine E013 Plus Acro Racing Drone with long FPV test flight ending with a hard crash to test the durability


How to make a Airplane RC Mini

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How to make a Airplane RC Super Mini


RC Airplane - MAGNIFICENT ADAM 500 - starting the engines and flying

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RC Airplane - MAGNIFICENT ADAM 500 - starting the engines and flying- large scale The Adam A500 is an American six-seat civil utility aircraft that was produced by Adam Aircraft Industries


How to build rc plane cessna 182 and maiden flight

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Wingspan 140cm Motor 2826 1290kv Prop 8x6 3blade Esc 50a Battery 3s 2200 mah AUW 1200grm Servo towerpro metal gear



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Build log video rc plane f18 hornet polyfoam plane Design by julius perdana


How to Make Remote Control Helicopter Drone.

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Hello Viewers Today I am showing you How to make Remote Control Helicopter at Home


3D Printed Monster Spitfire

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Print your own flying model Spitfire airplane at home? Not only is this thing a work of art, it flies beautifully.


how to make hinges for rc planes

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how to make good hinges the easy and good way, tape