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Slope Soaring Meio | Balistik goes balistic

RC Plane Poster  0  1374
With a wind speed of 30 mph plus on the top of the hill, I just had to fly the Ron Broughton designed Balistik, a 60" chevron wing designed for EPP60 man on man racing


How to retrofit your foam 3D RC plane to make it (almost) crash-proof

RC Plane Poster  0  2435
You can retrofit your foam 3D RC plane to make it almost crash-proof by several easy modifications


How To Make a Returnable Boomrang Paper Plane

RC Plane Poster  0  1179
Origami flying returned paper airplane


How To Make RC Plane At Home

RC Plane Poster  0  1281
RC Plane Build


DIY Homemade RC Airplane Big Wing - Single Motor

RC Plane Poster  0  1638
How to make rc airplaine Cardboard Plane


DH Mosquito at Tokoroa Airfield

RC Plane Poster  0  1602
This large DH Mosquito RC plane will be flown at NZ`s top airshow during Easter this year so Frazer and Mike Brigs decided to check out its handling on tarmac at the Tokoroa Airfield (NZTO)


Jive Dancing RC Car Review - It really does dance!

RC Plane Poster  0  1377
Tired of your normal, non-dancing rc car? Well then, you might want to check this out! Let`s see what kind of fun we can have with this toy Jive Dancing RC car/"crawler," and take a look...


3D Printed RC Plane Fail

RC Plane Poster  0  2429
Failed first flight of a 3D Printed RC YAK-55 Plane