Free plans for Pitts Special S1

  • Rewiev:

    Free plans for balsa rc biplane Pitts Special S1

    1/3 scale
    Wingspan 1725mm
    Weight +- 8.5 kg
    Motor 62cc Zenoah

    A Zenoah 62cc with the Toni Clark stainless steel exhaust mounted on their Hydro Mount and a 24x10" Super Silence 2-blade prop.

    Free plans for balsa rc biplane Pitts Special S1

    Free plans for balsa rc biplane Pitts Special S1

    Free plans for balsa rc biplane Pitts Special S1

    Free plans for balsa rc biplane Pitts Special S1

    Free plans for balsa rc biplane Pitts Special S1

    Free plans for balsa rc biplane Pitts Special S1

    Free plans for balsa rc biplane Pitts Special S1

    Free plans for balsa rc biplane Pitts Special S1

    Free plans for balsa rc biplane Pitts Special S1

Tags: fuel, 3d
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