The awesome high rpm diy micro brussless inrunner motor

In this video i wanna share with you about my project, i mean my awesome micro brushless project.

I have many dead micro motors from my micro dones and helies, i thought how i can re-use those motors, actualy i can use it again for my new DIY micro rc plane witch is based on 25 cm of wing span and about 25 grams of weight.

so i have done many experiments and loked for many literatures to build this micro inrunner brushless motor, NOW i have finished the video, and i present this video for my subscribers and you all, i hope this can be usefull for you. so o not forget to subscribe my channel, and you will get more awesome videos from here

i used english laguage for this video, and i have studied hard to speak english, from hearing, speaking, writing, grammar and bla..bla..bla.. how ever my English is not influence yet, i am so sorry. i wanna this video can be understood for many foreingners

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