To not immediately crash the balsa wood wing I am building, I decided to make a foam delta wing of similar size and weight to get a good hang of flying.
In the end, this wing weighs a total of slightly less than 800 grams (without any camera on it) and has a wingspan of around 1.4 meters. I run it on a 3 cell with an 18 amp motor and 7"4 prop. I and up crashing into a tree with the camera on the plane on landing, but there was very minimal damage and repaired it in a day.
Если вам понадобится штопор для открытия вина, то этот самолет делает отличные штопоры! Об этом и многом другом в супер длинном видосе-челендже по запуску нового sub250 самолета от компании ZOHD с...