Vagabond Revisited. A modern interpretation of the Vagabond design, originally a FF design from Air Trails in 1942.
This version of the plan is from the 1980s and is for RC and a K&B .19 engine. Span 75in, Area 651 sqin, length 50in, Power .19 engines.

VAGABOND a 'nearly' old-timer that could teach you a great deal about flight and flying! Interesting design from the Forties.

To understand old-timer models you have to think of them as children. If you are an old-timer who has published perhaps 100 airplanes ranging from rubber scale and originals, Wakefields, stunt, free flight to numerous R/Cs, you know these things are children.

Not only do they vary in looks and in fortune just like the kids in any large family, but the most unlikely ones somehow acquire their own aura of destiny. A virtually forgotten 'one that got away' comes home a generation later, its fortune made.