Micro Max 1.15M RC slope soaring glider intro

We take a look at the OA composites Micro Max.

Specifications- Wingspan: 115 cm Length: 74 cm Chords: 143mm/125mm/10mm Wing area: 13.5 dm2 Wing loading: 18,0–38,0 g/dm2 Standard empty weight: 230–250gr Strong empty weight: 260–280gr Standard ballasted weight: up to 410–500gr Strong ballasted weight: up to 440–530gr

Construction: Rohacell and Carbon 40g/dm2 UHM wings, IMS Carbon fuselage The MicroMax Pocket F3F is a great new fast slope soarer capable of extreme fun flying. The concept was inspired by Henning Plemo Schmidt (Sansibear), and with aero design by Christophe Bourdon. Structural design and implementation is by Anton Ovcharenko so this model is of the highest pedigree. Its inspiration was the lack of high performance small gliders optimized for fast slope flying.

The Micro Max is 1.15m ( 45in ) in span and features technology developed in F3K. Solid core machined rohacell foam cores in the wing and tails. Bladder molded fuselage. All molds are CNC aluminum. A unique V-tail mounting system is used, with a machined carbon joiner that the end user must glue into a molded slot in the fuselage. V-tail linkage are simpler "L" bends which make removal of the tails very easy. Ailerons are controlled by "top drive" linkage and horns, borrowed from F3K.

Recommended servos are KST X08 for the wing and and KST X06 for the tails for a standard version. For the strong version if you plan to do some light DS soaring you may want to bump up to KST X08 plus or HS08 in the wings and X08 V5`s for the tails. There is a cutout in the wing saddle of the fuse to allow for ballast, although at this time we don`t see any ballast options from OA. You could certainly make up your own. Recommended battery is a 350-600mah 1S lipo. You will need a very small 4-6 channel receiver


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