How to make homemade Hydro Slow Flyer RC Plane DIY build step by step tutorial video WING (part 2)
Wingspan: 1,8m (70") Flying Weight: 183g (6,5 oz) Materials: Axton XPS foam (3mm), Depron or other aeromodelling Foam Board (ask on local RC forums) Brushless motor: AEO MF1306 2700KV (11g) Propeller: 6030 Receiver: FlySky FS2A 4CH (2g) ESC: VGood 6A (6g) Servos: EMAX ES9051 (5g) x 2 LiPo battery: 600mah 7.4V (39g)
Download slow flying boat free plans:
This lightweight RC motor glider is very easy to fly for beginners (in calm weather or indoor)
Free RC plane
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