This HOW TO video explains the construction methods we used to build the Giant scale electric Clipper that we made a flight video of.

We used 2, 1.5, 1 and 3/4 foam sheet like you would use on the outside of a house and spray-on contact cement from 3M to glue all the sections together. We also used concrete float extension handles as spars, we made an adaptor for one end of the tubing so we could connect a drill motor, we then used the tubing itself as a core drill. Rod put a few little knotches in the end of the tube to make it cut. Rod glued and epoxied everything together, ruff shaper the entire fuse and glassed the ruff exterior using a criss-cross pattern of 2 inch wide strips of heavy glass.

Drywall joint compond was used to smooth the exterion of the fuse and wings and the the entire exterior was glass again. All of the servos are all 20KG. The CG was perfect the first flight and only a slight trim adjustment was needed for the Maiden. This Giant scale rc plane has a 16ft wingspan and is as solid as a rock. Most of the big seaplanes built fly kinda like kites, not this one.

Free RC plane

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